
Thanks for providing all the tools any new or seasoned internet marketer could ever need in getting started making money online.

Michael Pine

Thanks for providing all the tools any new or seasoned internet marketer could ever need in getting started making money online.


Michael Pine
"I love you, brother!"

My silver membership is worth thousands of dollars! I've subscribed to almost all the ezines of internet marketers and everytime I read about a new product, I always stop and control my impulse.

I'll check my account at and almost everytime I want to buy a new product, I see that product here!

What a great investment to be part of!

My wife says you look like Tom Cruise and I think she likes you but hey! Seeing all the benefits that you're giving me since I had my membership, I love you too, brother!

Ian Del Carmen
CEO, digiBook Network

Just a quick note to say Congratulations & Thanks. What an amazing package of downloads you've put together within SureFireWealth.

I've already advised all my own clients to signup and are already hearing there success stories. I can't understand how you have done it! - Please keep it up.


Mark Kenny
I am a Silver member, and this really pays over and over again. Some of the products are sold other places and I could have spend lots of money.

This is a goldmine, just login and download... there is anything useful you can thing of.


Karl Smith

Just a quick note to say Congratulations & Thanks. What an amazing package of downloads you've put together within SureFireWealth.

I've already advised all my own clients to signup and are already hearing there success stories. I can't understand how you have done it! - Please keep it up.


Mark Kenny
Hi Jeremy,

Wow... what a huge collection of great resources, ebooks, software, audios and videos you have put together for Silver members.

Not to mention the valuable resell right packages as well as private label resell right products for Gold members... I am impressed!

Thanks also for allowing me to offer the Silver membership for free to my customers. I keep getting feedback from them, thanking me for sharing this with them. You are the one they should thank. :)

Frank Bauer
Owner of - Software Scripts & Services
First, I would like to introduce myself my name is Mark Barton and like to introduce You to Surefire Wealth.

I've worked with a lot of people in my life and a lot of companies some good some bad and I have to tell you this company is one of the best.

Most (not all) websites on the net promise you the Moon and deliver absolutely zip, this website delivers and this team is unbeatable.

Believe me when I tell you that Jeremy knows exactly what he is doing and he is genuine (he is the real deal) and my hats off to him and my door is always open for him. Please give him a try believe me you won’t be sorry.

Thank you, Jeremy
Sincerely yours,

Mark Barton
Owner Julias Treasures
Jeremy you're a diamond!
You teach me how to steal! :)

You are a diamond. It's the only way I can describe you. If I can't say you are a diamond, then, I will say you are crazy :) I'll tell you why.

I'am always skepctical about internet offers. Most of the time, I purchase products that the value is far less from the price tag. I've never believe in claims like "value at $97 but you pay only $19.00". Because, most of the time I found out that the product should be sold for free since there is no value to it. Even though I will get a refund, it still wasted my most precious asset, my time.

I then only try to value a product or package of product like yours by the quantity of products. If the package is sold for $97 with 10 products, I will only value the products for $9.7 each no more no less. I don't care what they say about the value of the package.

Then, I sumbled upon your SFW package. I said to myself, "Not again!" Then, I said, "Ok, let's give this guy a time. Who knows I can find something with a real value here." I then browsed your website page by page. You heard it right. I browsed from the "Free Download" area until the "Gold Perk" area. From page 1 until the last page.

I said to myself," S#@%, this guy is crazy. The gold package could be around 1,000 products which can easily take 1Gb space. 1Gb! 1,000 products! With this price! Is this guy crazy? Each product will cost less than a penny. This must be hoax!"

But now I know that your product is NOT a hoax! It's a diamond! It's a steal! By dividing your price and the number of your products, I get my real first STEAL on the net. I got each product for less than a penny regardless the price tag.

I've found many other packages out there. NONE of them can defeat your package. If I want to compare it with them, they will sold your package around thousands of dollars.

Additions to my surprise, your are very friendly. You replied every emails that I sent in a friendly and helpful way. AND, you keep throwing in lots of new products each month for free, especially this Christmas.

Most people try to give ME a discounted sales letter and give THEMSELVES a Christmas gift FROM MY POCKET. While you, Jeremy, you GIVE Christmas gifts for me and your other subcribers FOR FREE.

Well, I would like to call a friendly guy like you as a diamond, not a crazy person. You overdeliver! You rock, man!

Your extremely happy friend,

Sumanto M. Chayadi
Hey Jeremy

I Would Like To Say Thank You For Making My Business Bloom.

I Have Had Many Sales Through My Website Because Of The Great Products SurefireWealth Has Provided.

It Is More Than I Ever Expected.

Thank You!

Robert Eaton
I came in here expecting to get the same old stuff I've found elsewhere and, to my surprise, I was able to see and enjoy really good material!

Jeremy, have your head checked in a hurry because I think you've gone insane!

Mario Giordani
Internet Marketing Specialist

I haven't spent much time on the website lately, but I am so glad that I gave it the run through today!!!

Reason being, I received an email today saying that I'd won 4,000,000.00 pounds, and not knowing how to check if it was a fraud or not, I remembered skimming through the ebooks on the website.

So I went back and downloaded Anna Maries' ebook about 'How to spot a fraudulent email', I must say I didn't realise how easy it was to check out the sources and the origin of the real email address.

I learn something new everyday : ) so just wanted to drop a line to say Thanks for having excellent ebooks, the kind we never thought we'd need.


Edwina Corbett
Dear Jeremy,

I would just like to say thank you not only for the great resource site but for caring for your customers.

Twice I have emailed you with problems and twice you responded swiftly with a resolution within the next day. Thank you for caring!

Your insight and knowledge has been a great source of encouragement and motivation.

I joined SureFireWealth through a free silver membership. When I saw what SFW offered Gold members, I immediately upgraded. This is something I don’t usually do as I am very careful how I spend money on the internet. SFW is an invaluable resource for internet marketers.

Thank you again!

Olivia Blair

I'm absolutely amazed that you can continue providing such great value, month after month, for the rediculously low price that you charge!

I've been doing business on the internet for about 10 years now and SureFireWealth is definately one of the best programs that I've been involved with.

Good job!

Paul Cordle

Your site is a fantastic resource for people who are serious about building their internet business. The quality and quantity of downloads, ebooks, software and templates is staggering!

I have been telling my members about your site and will continue to make sure they take advantage of your library.

Thanks for providing such a wealth of information. I know many people are going to incrementally multiply their income as a result of being
a member at

Joel Comm
I have to tell you that this was the best investment I have ever done!!

I am a newbie to internet marketing and I have to tell you that all the info and perks that go with the gold membership is worth ten times what is being charged.

Jeremy has put together all the information you can find and it is up to date. My site has improved so much from the info I have got from Surefirewealth and Jeremy that instead of one site I now have nineteen. That is how much he has influenced me.

Great Job Jeremy. Thank you for all your information and gold member perks.

(Vindicus Starcann)

Joseph Simpson
Hi Jeremy,

First of all, I do not have words to express my depth of gratitude to you for "SureFireWealth".

You would need to know more about my first experiences on the Internet to understand the depth of appreciation involved. Scams, shams, and everything in between seemed to be the norm as a result of my ignorance to the facts of online marketing.

It is unfortunate that I lost the "fortune" that I would GLADLY spend for something as outstanding as SureFireWealth, because it is priceless.

I never cease to be amazed that you constantly give so much -- and for a non-recurring Gold membership fee no less! Somehow, saying "Thank you" is not enough.

My hope is to advertise SFW far and wide as soon as skills reach a point guaranteed to place this marketing masterpiece in the position it deserves: over the top. EVERYONE should know this site exists.

I visit the site repeatedly because there is so MUCH VALUABLE material to absorb, and look forward to joining each of your recommended programs very soon.

I am excited about the potential for success inherent in Sure Fire Wealth and all that it embodies. It is a privilege and a pleasure to be one of your VERY satisfied customers.

Thanks, again, for making it possible.


Gwen Nash

It's been a real privilege to know and have Jeremy Gislason in my book of business associates that money can't buy and that I am beginning to feel sorry for people who don't know him!

While I've come across several membership sites, is one exception of quality that I strongly recommend you to be part of.

Jeremy has been consistently adding quality products with Resell Rights to the membership site. Therefore, all the homework of sourcing for good products has been done for you thus enabling you to set up and be in business within hours!

I can strongly vouch for this as I have personally benefited and profited from collection of products. Will you be the next success story?

And Jeremy, what you have to offer in is wealth not found in college books... but the selflessness and integrity that you've demonstrated is even better!

Your Internet Business Friend,

Edmund Loh
Dear Jeremy:

I have always been greatly impressed with the value added good and services your site has included, however, now you have finally done it.

The Niche Website information is some of the best, most useful information I have seen.

Not only do you provide the URL's to the sites, so we can see how they actually look, but you also include an interview and details about the site.

You hear many people talk about how to build sites, but few give actual examples. You have given many examples with excellent additional info.

I thank you for sharing this great info with us. For me, this may be some of the best stuff on the net.

Thanks again for this great resource.


Mike Moody
Hi Jeremy,

Where to begin, I have been actively learning and marketing on the Internet for almost 3 years. I have tried many software programs and online opportunities hoping make to money and to build my online business.

Since May 27, 2005 things have started going in the right direction, starting with some real positive changes, which include meeting some online marketing friends of yours; Jeremy Burns, Simon Hodgkinson, and of course Darryl Graham.

What helped the most was making the decision in May to join the Best Membership site on the Internet

With your recommendation of the ISO Package, The Ultimate License, and Key2Net, along with your promotion of these and other great products and services, many doors that have been closed are now open for my company. Thanks to you and your Network!!

I Highly Recommend’s Gold Membership to anyone who is interested in starting an online business or anyone who wants to reinvent or improve his/her current business.

I have definitely turned the corner with your endless list of marketable products and services and your good marketing practices such as being very honest and your ability to way over-deliver, which is GREAT for all SWF members!!

My SWF Gold Membership has greatly increased my value of services to my customers and has totally changed my business in less than three months! I look forward to the next 3 months with great anticipation to see what you come up with next!

Also, I highly recommend everyone read one of the wonderful books that you promoted through your SFW website. It is one that I would never have read unless it was a part of the membership. There is one SENTENCE in the book that has moved my business and ME into a new way of thinking already. The name of this awesome book is: “The Rapid Manifestation Training Course”.

Thanks again for everything,

Your net Friend,

Bill Wardell
Dear Jeremy,

And I do mean D-e-a-r! Just a quick note to say thanks!

So many times in the past in dealing with others, I've had to make two-three requests, each restated in increasingly more simple terms, only to wait a long time to receive a less-than-satisfactory remedy.

You are like a breath of fresh air! Do you know how long its been since I last received a response that begins with "NO PROBLEM"? . . . and from a Free to join membership site?

You sir, are both a gentleman and a scholar. Not only did you reply swiftly and politely, your remedy was a sound resolution to my problem. You have my most humble gratitude.

Thanks again.

May You Prosper Always,

Mark Thompson
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